200 OK Ventures is a friendly and inclusive group of angel investors who have operational experience working at API/platform/tooling startups and are interested in providing funding and assistance for the next generation of developer-focused companies.
Our Code of Conduct is inspired by the wonderful community over at Grubstakes.
Our members are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct when interacting with fellow members as well as when engaging with founders. Failure to abide by our Code of Conduct will result in revokation of access to the 200 OK Ventures community.
We are dedicated to providing a safe and inclusive space for our members.
We welcome everyone regardless of gender identity, sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, physical appearance, or body size.
We don't tolerate harrassment, including prejudicial comments, sexual imagery, deliberate intimidation, stalking, sustained disruption and unwelcome sexual attention.
We believe in learning by doing.
We contribute regularly to the group by sharing deal flow, engaging in analysis, joining due diligence efforts, meeting founders and connecting them to folks who can help them.
We are respectful of deal sourcing. If we want to contact a founder, we first check with the member who sourced the deal.
We are transparent. We disclose prior contacts, relationships and potential conflicts of interest. Our default stance is to trust the other investors in the group.
We act with integrity. We uphold the trust demonstrated by others in the group.
We keep all information about other members and their opinions strictly confidential.
Finally, we put developers first.
For the benefit of founders we do not permit members to be promote their services, scout for investment firms or function as full-time professional startup advisors.
For the benefit of the developer community we only engage with startups and founders who respect developers and engage in ethical practices.